lundi 25 février 2013

Online Fitness - To Gym Or Not To Gym

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Gym at Work 3
In this article I am going to recommend that you should train at home using an online fitness program rather than use your local gym if you are intending to lose body fat and get fitter. You may not agree with this and have an alternative opinion, so the goal is to tell you why I think this would be useful to you.
Why choose an online fitness program using ideas, exercises and techniques you can get on the internet rather than go to a readily available gym? To answer this, it can be useful to look at the fitness trends in the last few years.
Nowadays, most people you talk to would confess to either having a gym membership, going to the gym regularly and in some cases, only ever working out at a gym. You may go to the gym yourself and probably have never considered that you could get all the fitness benefits training at home instead.
There are advantages in going to the gym to work out.
  • There is usually good quality and specific exercise equipment
  • There are personal trainers you can use
  • There are usually supporting facilities (saunas, jacuzzi, etc.)
However there are disadvantages that are more related to how you use the gym than what it offers in terms of facilities and equipment.
  • You do not visit the gym enough to justify your monthly subscription costs
  • You do not workout in a way to reach your specific fitness or weight loss goal
  • You spend much more time in the sauna, swimming pool or watching a DVD (as some gyms offer this service)
Because you may have a habit of going to the gym, or even just paying for the gym, it can be difficult to take a hard look at the pros and cons of how you are currently using it to get fitter or lose weight.
A large proportion of people I have come across do not use the gym as it should be used. It should be used to either specifically train your body for a measurable goal or to augment another training program. Most people believe that simply going to the gym will make them fitter. When this does not happen they either spend more time in the gym or work out more intensely. Neither of these will make you any fitter than you currently are or help you lose the weight that you have.
How can I say this with such certainty?
I can say this because if you are active and go to the gym but have not achieved the goal you had when you joined the gym, then you are not doing the correct exercises or applying a suitable technique to realise the goal. In addition it is costing you money every month with no payback. It would seem that all you are getting for your money is frustration and perhaps even a mounting dislike for having to visit the gym more.
This is where online fitness programs, information and techniques have a massive advantage. If you are already active then a lot of the exercises are familiar. What is different is the setting in which you do them and the method of how you put them together.
Most programs and advice only require basic equipment, for example: a skipping rope, an exercise mat and a timer.
The second advantage is that a lot of online fitness programs, specifically ones targeted at losing belly fat or getting a six-pack, substitute exercise duration for intensity. This means you learn to work out in high intensity bursts rather than have to spend long hours in the gym. This gives you more of your precious time back.
Some disadvantages are that you need to build up motivation to stick to the program and, for specific fitness goals, you may need to have specific exercise equipment, and so cannot work out at home.
However, for general fat loss and improved fitness, learning how to create your own home exercise program using online material is the best way to go, in my opinion. The actual process of creating your own set of exercises, meal recipes and plan is in itself a great motivator.
It pays to remember though that you will not get an instant result if you adopt an online fitness approach. The weight loss or fitness improvements will be gradual, but measurable.
If there is any direct instant result to switching to an online fitness program and working out at home, it will be a bigger bank balance from not having to pay gym subscription charges.
I understand that switching to a home exercise program may not be for everyone, but it can be rewarding if you choose to. To find out some more about an easy-to-implement method that I use, you can download my free report.
The author, Micky H Corbett, helps active 30 and 40-something men lose their belly fat in 90 days simply and painlessly. His website is
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