dimanche 3 mars 2013

How to Get Fit and Have That Muscular Body - Tips and Tricks to Build Muscle Fast!

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Every man in the world wants to have that muscular body and if you too want to achieve perfection then I suggest you follow some of these tips and tricks.
Follow these tips regularly on how to increase muscle mass and watch your body bulk up just like if you were the Hulk!
1. Lift heavier weight and lower your reps, but make sure that you are warmed up first ( to get the blood pumping throughout the body) and prepared to handle the weights. You don't want to go in there and blindly life weights
2. As you are done with your reps, shorten the period of rest between each rep. Over time your muscle will be induced to recover quickly and this will lead to gain muscles faster. When you have completed an exercise be sure to take a good amount of rest.
3. Eating the right foods is one of the most essential parts for gaining muscle. Increase the consumption of nutrients, proteins, and healthy fats. Common good foods are eggs, chicken, fish, carrots, and green leafy vegetables. Do not stuff down a lot of food all at once because that would cause the body to turn it into fat. Eat more servings of smaller meals throughout the day
4. Try not to do too much of jogging and aerobic exercises because this would cause the body to build more stamina (which is great) while making the body leaner and lighter. You want to increase muscle mass not lose them.
5. Stick to the schedule like a predator hunting for its prey. If you procrastinate to avoid your weight training program then not only will your efforts be in vain, but all of what you did in the past will go to waste.
Sometimes it might be fun; sometimes it might be a little boring. Change up your workouts to keep your self motivated.
These 5 tips are almost guaranteed to help you gain muscle mass.
There are secrets to bodybuilding that most people do not know. It is efficient and effective on the muscle without using all the dangerous supplements or steroids.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darryl_Ivery

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One Response so far

  1. Anonyme says:

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