samedi 2 mars 2013

What is your Ideal Weight?

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Weight is one of the biggest concerns among people these days, and we continually hear about new diets, exercise regimes, or programs to get us to our ideal weight.  However, how do we know what our ideal weight is and is that weight a healthy weight for a person to try to maintain.  This is difficult because there are many factors that should be considered when trying to determine the ideal weight of a person.  Everyone should have the goal of maintaining the ideal healthy weight; however, knowing what your ideal weight is may be difficult to determine.
Many weight charts are limited in how they are determined.  They are put together by gender, age, and height and a weight is calculated.  However, there are many other considerations that should be factored into somebody’s ideal weight because not every male that is five feet and ten inches weighs one hundred seventy pounds.  Not everybody has the same body type, and that is not often considered in factoring the ideal weight.  Some people are born with very large bones and are naturally bigger, with a larger stature, and other people are more petite, with smaller bones and a frame that is little or tiny.
Many professionals use body mass index or BMI to determine a healthy weight, and although it is a well accepted practice, the BMI does not indicate whether the source of mass of a person is fat or muscle, thus making this determination, not one hundred percent accurate.
Weight and fat are very different.  For example, two people can be the same height and weigh the same yet one person can look extremely fit, and the other may appear overweight and out of shape.   Fat must be assessed separately from weight, and in order to do that, a waist measurement is the best assessment.
Having a medical professional or a certified trainer help you determine the best weight for you is the best practice.  A professional knows how to take all the nuances into consideration and factor them in to return an ideal and healthy weight for each particular body type.  Because no two bodies are alike and everyone is different with different considerations regarding their weight, what is ideal for one person may not be the same for another of the same stature.
Maintaining a healthy weight is important for good quality of life, however, in order to maintain an ideal weight, you must first determine what your ideal weight is.
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