samedi 2 mars 2013

Tips For People Who Don’t Want To Exercise

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All around you, people are waking up to the fact that some type of daily exercise is important. Still, you can’t seem to get up the motivation to settle into an exercise routine. Before you reach for that box of doughnuts and turn on the television, here are five tips that may help to motivate you to get up and get moving today.
Tip # 1 – You’ll Live Longer
People who get at least some exercise often live more years than persons who are essentially sedentary. If you want to be around to see what the world looks like in twenty, thirty, or fifty years, you are much less likely to achieve this goal if you are not at least engaging in some activity such as walking or biking.
Tip # 2 – You’ll Have A Stronger Body
Your body needs to move in order to keep muscles working properly. This also goes for such muscles as your heart as well as those biceps, triceps and all the other muscles around the body. A strong body provides you with the basis to do many things that simply cannot be accomplished when the body is out of shape and run down.
Tip # 3 – You’ll Have A Better Mind
Exercise helps to release chemicals known as endorphins into the bloodstream. Endorphins are one of several chemicals that help to keep our brains and other parts of the nervous system functioning properly. Getting up and working out will help to provide your brain with what it needs to operate at optimum efficiency, keep your nerves balanced, and result in an outlook and emotional capacity that leaves you ready for anything life happens to throw your way.
Tip # 4 – You’ll Have More Confidence
Being in decent shape means not having to dig around for “big” clothes, have trouble being comfortable in an airplane, or fretting about the fact that the seatbelt on the car seat seems to get shorter every few months. Exercise helps to keep the body proportioned properly so it is easier to look good in what you wear, and feel comfortable and confident going anywhere you please.
Tip # 5 – You’ll Enjoy A Better Sex Life
Exercise helps to condition the body for activity. Hardly anyone would not regard sex as an activity that is not pleasant and desirable. However, it is an activity that requires some level of endurance and physical response if the maximum amount of benefit is to be derived. If for no other reason, regular exercise will help you be more responsive during sex and enjoy orgasm to a degree you never thought possible.
Whether you think in terms of short term or long term goals, regular exercise just makes sense. Don’t waste another day denying yourself the benefits of regular exercise. Get off the couch today and begin your new way of life. You’ll be happy that you did.
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